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Mugen download with all characters free


Keys : W,a,s,d movement, Numpad menu selection and attack during the fights. " Fall inside your own mind, defeat DemiurgeĪnd save from the control of Demiurge the Imagination Realm ". We're in fact, inside the human mind, made of the same substance of the Dreams. This entity wants to extend his " control" over the rest of the other realities  some universes have different gods, structures and laws, depending about their own creators, So there will be even strange creatures, gods and plenty of realities without any compatible logical sense or logical interpretative structure and meaning for our human conceptions.Every image, concept or idea, character or history of someone imagined by the human mind in history already existed before the space and time inside an another parallel universe, without that we're knowing it, the imagined stuff is a copy without realizing it, of real facts separateds from us by an abyss of nothingless everything travels in the dreams, dreams are the connection with parallel universes.


In MUGEN infinity your mission is to free all the characters from this realm that Demiurge has trapped inside: "Everything you can imagine, nature has already created it."

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He ignores completely that, for a mathematical matter of fact, any combination of abstract, imaginative and fatastic "ideas", are already a verified mathematical reality inside completely unaccesible parallel universe, part of series of other parallel universes. Man thinks that he has the human capability to imagine inside his cranium Our universe is a matrix like all the other realities What can guarantee to us, that even our universe isn't a kind of hyper realistic simulation ? It controls the material aspect of his matrix. He has created a genealogy of creatures, createds by his own will : they're known as the primordial races (angels and demons) presents both in our real universe and inside the last universe of all the ideas and abstract concepts ( Hyperuranion) Someone has copyed a fragment of G.A.D.U's consciousness inside the Mugen engine, making become it the leader of this 2D Fighting simulation. The mind of Demiurge is G.A.D.U, his transformation in fractal form ( numbers interpretateds as geometrical form) his form is a pyramid with one eye. Demiurge is the Mugen master, he is the owner of this cosmic Virtual tournament simulation he is an artificial intelligence, a kind of virtual consciousness that rules this game, will you be capable to make escaping all the fantasy characters of the imagination realm, making return them inside their respective universes ? : Inside the mugen engine, all the informations of the super heroes, characters and archetipal images of every concept, are trappeds inside Mugen, and they will must run into the Mugen tournament if they want to escape from this reality  where they will be obligeds to fights together, create new alliances, teams up and new wars  everything will be done for trying to escape from this holographic trap Your Computer.Įvery idea, every fantastic concept and piece of consciousness, born form the biggest minds, creators of comics and famous (and even less famous.) games and novels, movies and comics, animes and mangas are here inside your computer, trappeds in an infinite game.

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The technology is the new stage where the heroes and villains from the multiverse challenges together. This has created a strange situation the datas from the imagination realm (that is inside the human mind) is became arid, and has been copied inside the Internet in a virtualized version : The Infinity Realm" is a virtual copy of the Hyperuranion the seventh sky of Plato the last dimensional plane, the last physical stratification of every universe  where all the concepts and ideas from every parallel universe  takes life There are two distinct kind of universes and realms, where all the parallel universes are divideds T he physical realm, and the realm of ideas, everything that exist in the phsycal realm, existed before in an archetipal concept and form inside the ideas realm, here, is where everything meets everything, here, is where the human beings and animals goes during the REM phase When Mugen was created, some peoples around internet have created many versions of the "Mugen" engine, from the first one by elecbyte, year after year and month after month, more and more characters have been added into this virtual reality The Mugen Engine.

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